Thursday, October 23, 2008

Go West Son

What up world,

As my former roommate pointed out recently, it has been a while since my last post. I thought that I would be okay once the Twins season was over, but apparently I'm still not over their loss quite yet. Plus the Vikes continue to play like a collective group of leffers, so it's hard for me to get excited and write about them. However, more than either of these things, I've taken a brief respite from writing due to my move out of the midwest.

I am now officially a resident of a Whale's Vagina, California. Really. I just sent in my change of address form. I've been contemplating the move for quite some time, and it has finally become a reality. I'm excited about being here, but there are certainly some drawbacks that I'm facing. Here is an alternating list.

Plus: I haven't seen a cloud in the sky yet and I've been here for almost a week. It's been in the 70's and absolutely beautiful, while Chicago is starting to turn into a poo storm of sleet and nipple-freezing cold.

Minus: My new roommate has a fake Christmas tree in the closet of the room that I'm staying in. When I saw it, the prospect of not having snow for the holidays hit me for the first time. I've never been in a location that doesn't have distinct seasons, so this could be a bit difficult for me.

Plus: There is a field that is close to my apartment where there are pick-up soccer games on a nightly basis. I will admit that I played soccer throughout high school, and the prospect of playing a pick-up game is very exciting.

Minus: In the same park where the soccer games take place, there are also quite a few gang members that hang out at the benches nearby. At least they look like gang members to me, and while they all look younger than I, they still scare the poop out of me.

Plus: I live in a city where there isn't a sports team that is a direct rival of the teams for which I cheer. I lived in Wisconsin during the Favre era and Chicago during the Bitch Sox World Series. It is nice to live in an area where I don't automatically hate a portion of the population.

Minus: I have lost God's gift to football fans in that I no longer have my roommates NFL ticket to watch every Sunday. I spent last weekend constantly checking scores on-line. I didn't get to see the feeding frenzy that was the Bears-Vikings game, which may have been a good thing. If I had watched the game, I may have broken the television, cut my roommate, and strangled a baby. I guess, in the end, I will give this a half negative point.

Plus: I have had the pleasure of stuffing my face with In-N-Out Burger and the most delicious burrito I have ever tasted since I made the move. The Mexican food is like an orgasm on a Styrofoam plate.

Minus: I will no longer be able to enjoy a steady diet of Vines or Ian's Pizza. I'm entering into withdrawal just thinking about it.

Plus: I will no longer have to smell my former roommates feet.

Minus: I will no longer get to smell my former roommates feet.

Final tally: Pluses 5; Minuses 4 1/2. It looks like I made the correct choice to make the move. Now, if I can somehow convince my new roommate to get the NFL, NBA, and MLB packages, the move will be ideal.

I will attempt to write something a little more sports-specific tomorrow. For my three regular readers, I will be better.


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