Minnesota Twins pitcher Kevin Slowey has one of the most appropriate surnames in baseball. He doesn't necessarily throw the baseball fast, although his fastball does have considerably more speed than my 60 mph lob-ball. He picks locations, nibbles corners and such. He has said that while he was moving up through the Twins organization that he admired the way that former Twin Brad "Hunk of Burning Man-Love" Radke threw the ball. Many writers have said that watching Slowey throw is very similar to watching Bradke a couple of years ago.
Slowey sat down 12 Athletics last night, so I thought that in his honor, we would play a little Photo/Video Hunt with our man. For those of you that have not played Photohunt, let me explain the rules. Typically, one would be at a bar, heavily inebriated, while playing the game. Two photos are shown side-by-side, with five differences between the pictures. You have to pick out the differences to advance to the next picture.
Due to some technological constraints, we won't be able to play the game in the same way here. But, we will do what we can. The first photos are below. Can you spot the differences?

If you said that the person on the left was Kevin Slowey, and Bradke was on the right, you are correct. Congratulations. Also, if you said that there is a black border around the photo on the right, you get bonus points.
Here's the next round.

This one is a little tougher. If you said that the guy on the left is Sean Gallagher, pitcher for the Oakland Athletics (he was traded from the Cubs this season), and that the guy on the right is Gallagher, famous comedian, then you are correct. Gallagher, the pitcher, was torched by the Twins last night for 10 runs. Gallagher, the comedian, probably spent last night crying while eating broken pieces of smashed watermelon. Bonus points for noticing that Sean's goatee was flipped upside down and put on Gallagher's upper lip.
For the next round, we are going to change things up a bit. This is a video hunt, with three different videos. Can you spot the differences between the three?
If you said that the first video was an intimidating ground hog, that the second was a cat that was intimidating, and that the third was a pitcher that intimidated the Athletics last night, then you are correct. Bonus points for not criticizing my video editing capabilities.
Here's the fourth round. This is the trickiest of all of them, because we are comparing a picture to a video. See if you can figure this one out.

If you said that the picture is of the Oakland Athletics prior to last nights game, and that the video was the Oakland Athletics as they were facing an intimidating Kevin Slowey last night, then you are correct. Bonus points for being a little frightened by the lemur in the video. It is the size of a house cat, but man, it gives me chills every time I see it. Anyway, that was a tough round of Photohunt, and you passed with flying colors. Very impressive.
The Twins play Oakland this afternoon. Chicago is playing Seattle this afternoon as well. Saint Francisco is pitching, so let's all pray and hope for the best. Let's get back to being in first Twins.
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