As I watched the game last night, surrounded by tissues and sudafed, I saw some glimpses of hope. The Sux had thoroughly been pounded by the Sawx yet again and Keiunta Denard Span was quickly becoming my man-crush. I was all ready to write about being in first place, Saint Francisco's domination, and how I was going to dream about a sexy man from right field. As the ninth inning arrived and Joe Nathan approached the mound, I was ready to start blogging. Who cares about a single? A hit batter? Nathan was just sending a message right? Our ninth inning work horse was going to just keep us on edge for a little bit before slapping the A's across the mouth.

Joe Nathan team picture
Then Ryan Sweeny, knowing that there was no possible way that he could get a hit off of Nathan, tried to lay down a sac bunt. There was no issue here. Get the first out, possibly walk the next guy, and throw your slider for a nice little double play to end the game. Twins are in first and I go to sleep dreaming of Span.
Our closer has different ideas however and decides that he wants to relive his shortstop days. A little toss to Harris at third, a little ball rolling into left, and a little two runs come across the plate to score.
My view of Joe after last night.
What?? Joe, you are our bedrock. If the bullpen can somehow manage to get a game to you, you are always there for us to shut things down. If I can't sleep at night, I always know that a cup of hot chocolate will put me out. You are my hot chocolate Joe. Let's agree that if this is the last time that you do something like this, I will forgive you. Maybe next time you are on the mound, you can throw an extra scoop of chocolate powder in, and shut some bitches down. A marshmallow maybe? Agreed?
Okay we're good. Let's get things together for the rest of the trip.
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