Quick weekend recap for the Twinks. I thought that a sweep was in the works for sure. I was hungover Sunday once again, and decided that there would be nothing better than the boys bringing out the brooms in the City of Kansas's. Things looked great through 7, but once again our bullpen decided to increase their reputation for road suckness. And I'm not talking road head. Even with the poor pitching, I still thought we might pull it out, until the Rat decided to go Mr. Fumbles on us. Throw to first Everett. Don't make Scottie Baker cry again.

In addition to keeping an eye on the Twins progress throughout the weekend, I dedicated a bit of time to watching the Olympics. I love the Olympics. Winter, summer, I don't care. There are certain sports that I enjoy watching over others, but if there is competition on tv, I'm going to be glued to it. I even watched synchronized diving for a bit yesterday. Synchronized diving? Hell yes.
I didn't get a chance to watch all of the opening ceremonies, but from the portion that I caught, it was absolutely amazing. Human cube operations. Giant doves made of people with Christmas lights on. Fireworks. Unbelievable. The only issue that I had was that in the middle of the dove was a Chinese piano player who was described as a "Superstar" in China. In the US, would we ever have a piano player that was a superstar? Sure there is Billy Joel and Elton John among others, but I think they are more popular for their songs and their flowing sequined gowns than for their piano playing. I found this on the piano player, Lang Lang:
He scares me. I'm straight up frightened of his music that can apparently throw punches and fireballs. Despite Lang Lang, my conclusion on the opening ceremonies: awesome.
So far I've watched a little of everything, but I've mainly focused on swimming. I watched a little gymnastics as well, but mainly because I'm amazed at how tiny they are. The star of the women's team, Shawn Johnson, is 4'9". The tallest member of the team in 5'3". The Chinese team's average size is 4'9" and 77 pounds. Really? I think that gymnasts should have a special size category between dwarfs and regular sized people.
I floundered around a pool for a while in high school, so I love watching swimming events and comparing their times to mine. If I swam one length of the pool, I might be able to beat some members of the team. Provided, of course, that they swim two lengths while wearing jeans and a flannel shirt.
Last night I was watching the prime time coverage of the swimming events. I was hungover and wanting to sleep. I hadn't showered, and my hair still smelled of the beer that had been dumped on me from the night before. I felt terrible, but I was excited about the 4X100 relay. I was forcing myself to stay awake for it. After watching a lot of races in high school, world championships, Olympic trials, and others, I thought that the French were going to win for sure. They were ahead by half a body length on the final leg. No way that this could happen.
As they were coming into the last half length and Jason Lezak went Aquaman on France, I started yelling at the tv. Why was I swearing at the screen while sitting in Chicago? The only people that could hear me were my sleeping roommates and the baby sleeping in the apartment next to me. Lezak, who was under water on the other side of the world, couldn't have heard my encouraging stream of cuss words. It doesn't matter. I'm convinced that my cheering pushed him into the wall.
If you thought Michael Phelps reaction was a bit extreme (maybe a little frightening), it was nothing compared to mine. I tripped and fell to my bedroom floor when I jumped out of my desk chair. There were various items of my room that were flying everywhere. I threw a dodgeball against my wall. Why would I do that? I'm not entirely sure. It was a brief moment of insanity, but I'm still smiling about the results. I can't wait for the rest of the Games.
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