Throughout my entire life, I've always wanted a nickname. Something that would define me and confuse people that I meet for the first time. Even the use of my last name would have been acceptable, however, due to the uniqueness of my first name, I've gone through life so far as just Micah. The only nicknames that I've received have been self-imposed. I tried to get people to call me Awesome for a while, but it didn't stick. Sota would work, but the only people that read this blog are Brent and Mark, which doesn't translate to a dramatic shift in my persona.
There is a flip side to this as well. While I've always wanted a unique and defining nickname, some people retain nicknames from embarrassing moments in their life or have some extremely unflattering names attached to them. There was a girl that I worked with in college that we called "Sausage" due to a night of excessive drinking and some unfortunate photographs. I don't think that she has ever recovered from this attachment.
When I first started watching the Timberwolves, my favorite player was Jerome Richardson, otherwise known as "Pooh". Pooh Richardson was the first draft pick of the Wolves, taken 10th in the 1989 draft. I watched him play in the seats of the Metrodome, while the Target Center was still under construction. For three seasons, I gathered every piece of news about Pooh, putting posters on my walls and collecting basketball cards. He was my KG before KG arrived.

The Wolves wore a one-piece jersey at this time. Nice legs Pooh.
Throughout my burgeoning obsession, I always wondered why he kept the nickname Pooh. I was in elementary school at the time, and the thought of my favorite players name would make me giggle throughout cursive writing class. My dad would ask if I wanted to go to a game. I would ask, "Can I cheer for Pooh?" and then laugh my ass off. At the games I would yell out things like, "Yeah Pooh!" or "Pooh is a good shooter" and think that I was hilarious. I couldn't believe that I wasn't being reprimanded for saying the word 'Poo' over and over again.
While I continue to hope that I am defined by a nickname some day, I'm hoping that it won't be something like Pooh, or Booger, or any other bodily fluid. I'm leaving the work up to you, the vast number of readers out there. Throw your suggestions in the comments, and I will decide on which nickname I like best. Make me proud.
Here are a few suggestions: Meatloaf, SM2 (scissor master #2), Queer Moe Dee, Roomie, FOB (friend of Brent), or Dorkus Malorkus
I've gotten the call and now I'm throwing my hat into the ring. This may take several posts. Here's round one:
Chief Buffalo Hump -- The only true nickname you've ever had. It seems like you've conveniently forgotten this.
Magilla -- A nod to two of your best traits. Your goofiness and your gorilla arms.
Anderson Cooper -- Because you're pretty fruity but not too fruity. Also, you both got your starts on Channel One News.
McPlenty -- After the most memorable role in your esteemed filmography.
Jorge -- Because you look like one. And you're in SoCal now.
M-Veg -- J/k. I hate when people do that.
Grom Hellscream -- You know exactly why.
Hakeem Olajuwon -- For following your dreams. And also for your "Dream Shake."
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