A couple of things that you should know about Denard Span. He was born in Tampa, Florida on February 27, 1984. He was drafted 20th overall in the 2002 draft by the Twins, after turning down a $2 million predraft deal with the Colorado Rock-tobers. He said at the time, "I have a destiny to fulfill in a great white bubble in the north."
His real name is Keiunta, which means "Destroyer of White Socks", which was later abbreviated to "Destroyer of White Sox". He is 24 years old, and officially entered into manhood in the bottom of the third inning last night.
Lil' Nicky Punto had just gotten on-base by flying from home to first with an infield single. Mark Buehrle looked at the next batter and fear struck him.

Keiunta had arrived to fulfill his destiny. Buehrle could barely function. He thought of his family and friends, and that he was too young to die at the hands of Keiunta. He had to give him something to eat. It was the only way to save himself.
It was all over seconds later. Keiunta was rounding the bases. Buehrle promptly wet himself. Lil' Nicky was flying into home.
When Span got back into the dugout, he ate his bat and approached Gardy, "I'm not going back to the minors. I'm a man now."
The legend continues.
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